At Scane Dance we believe that exams are an important part of the learning process for our students. They structure the learning process in a progressive way and provide a robust measure of achievement of technical, musical, and performance skills from beginner to professional level.
Exams provide the highest quality of constructive feedback, which students and our teachers can use to individually support students in their weekly classes.
Many of our students love to be challenged, achieve, and progress, and take great pride in exam success. Our school has a 100% pass rate for IDTA exams.
At Scane Dance we follow the International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA) Syllabus in our dance classes. All students who take weekly dance classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern/ Jazz/ Contemporary, Musical Theatre and Freestyle work towards their IDTA dance exams and have the opportunity to take these if they wish. We run at least 2 exam session each academic year.
All students who take weekly Acro, Cheerleading and Street classes work towards our in house awards created by our Principal Teacher Miss Grace, following guidance from Acrotrix and the IDTA. We run at least 2 award sessions each academic year.
Our in house awards allow students to take exams in all genres that are not available to them at examination level by external boards. They also allow students who do not wish to take the IDTA exams an exam experience. The SD awards are to ensure students are ready to move up a level. All awards are assessed by our Principal Teacher, Miss Grace. Although they are not regulated qualifications they give students a sense of pride and accomplishment.
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